Test Results

Your Results

We will make every effort to contact you should your test indicate the need for urgent action; however, we ask that you work with us and take responsibility to find out the result of any tests. 

The easiest way to do this is to download the NHS App.

This will allow you to view your completed test results at a time convenient to you. 

Only after your results have been reviewed and filed by a GP, will they be available for you to view in the NHS App. If your results are normal, they will be marked as ‘satisfactory, no action required’. Only if your symptoms are ongoing or you have further concerns, please submit an eConsult to request a follow up appointment with the clinician.

If the GP would like to discuss your results with you in person, they will send you a text with a link to request a ‘non-urgent’ appointment via eConsult. These appointments will be allocated within three weeks of your request. If the GP considers an earlier consultation is required, they will call you directly.

getting your test results image

The majority of blood tests, urine tests and swab results are available within 2 weeks. Ultrasound and x-ray results take at least 10 working days, smear tests take approximately 3 weeks.

To ensure confidentiality, test results will only be discussed with the patient, unless we have received your written consent to share this information with another named person.

If you are asked to telephone for your result, please call between the hours of 11.30am to 12.30pm and 4.30pm – 6.00pm.