Home Visits

Requesting a home visit

Whenever possible, we encourage our patients to come to the surgery, where we have the equipment and facilities available to provide the best care. We do appreciate this is not always possible and we are happy to visit patients at home if there is a clear medical need. The GP will determine the medical need and urgency after speaking to the patient or carer. We cannot visit for non-medical reasons such as lack of available transport.

It is very difficult to fit in visits around surgeries and all our other commitments so please help us by calling reception before 11.00am if you think you may need a visit, and provide the best contact number (for example a mobile number if you cannot get out of bed to the land-line) for the GP to phone back. Sometimes we may have to visit in the evening or the next day if the problem can wait.

Housebound patients can also be visited at home by one of the District Nurses following a GP referral. This may be suitable for leg ulcers, wound care, catheter problems etc.

Those who have recently delivered babies are visited by the community midwife. You should also be visited at home by a health visitor if you have recently had a baby or if you are newly registered with a GP and have a child under five years.